UPDATED February 1, 2022
For the latest information on COVID-19 check out the MISD, City of Mansfield, Texas Department of State Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control websites. You can get up to date county information from the Ellis, Tarrant, or Johnson County websites.
Click the links below:
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations for Immunocompromised People
For people with moderately to severely compromised immune systems, CDC and Texas DSHS recommend full mRNA vaccination, and then additional and booster doses depending on age:
People 18 years of age and older should receive three doses of the same mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) with the additional, third dose given 28 days after the initial two. A single booster dose of either Pfizer, Moderna or J&J/Janssen should be given at least 6 months after the additional, third dose.
People 12 to 15 years of age who received the initial two doses of Pfizer vaccine should receive an additional dose of Pfizer vaccine at least 28 days after the initial two doses.
People 16 and 17 years of age should receive two initial doses of Pfizer vaccine, an additional Pfizer dose 28 days after the initial two doses, and a Pfizer vaccine booster dose at least 6 months after the additional, third Pfizer dose.
Two Doses
Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines both require two doses. It’s best if you get your second dose from the same brand as your first dose. For example, if you got a Moderna first dose, it’s best to get Moderna for your second dose.
The timing between your first and second dose depends on which vaccine you received:
Moderna: 4 to 6 weeks after your first dose
Pfizer: 3 to 6 weeks after your first dose
Note: The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires only one dose.
Side Effects & Allergic Reactions
Mild side effects are normal signs your body is building protection, and they usually go away after a few days. Severe reactions from the vaccine are rare. To be safe, your provider will have you wait on-site for 15-30 minutes after your shot. There's no evidence that the vaccines cause long-term health problems.